26 November 2015

9 benefits of Tamarind Leaves for health

Acid plant (latin: Tamarindusindica) is a plant that is already familiar to the people of indonesia because it is found. This is because the fruit sour tamarind mainly used as a condiment Cook and use as a drug. Usually people only know tamarind fruits containing a lot of benefits for the health of course but who would have thought that turned out to be part of the leaves is also very beneficial for health.

The Acid Content Of Leaves

There are acids in leaf content of tannin and a very falovonoid is believed to be eroded in fat and could boost the immune system of the body. If the immune system increases the fat burning process then in the body into energy will also be getting the maximum. So, if you're menjala diet program you can use the herb leaves sour or acidic fruit as mandatory because the herb can help fat quickly eroded. Not only that, but the acid leaves is also believed to be able to treat many different types of disease serious disease even though. The use of this remedy as the acid leaves is harmless and has no side effects for the body unlike chemical drugs can make the side effects to the body.

Besides his men apparently leaves acid also has many benefits and health benefits for the body, what are its benefits? More information refer to the following:

1. As a remedy for asthma

Treating asthma using tamarind is easy, you just need to prepare 2 sprigs of leaf acid alone and also provide fennel pulawaras sufficiently. If the material is ready then boil the two ingredients until boiling. Wait a few moments to cool slightly and saringlah herb. Drink regularly twice a day to get maximum results. If you want to get a better sense of sensas you can add sugar or Lemongrass leaves so that the flavor and aroma is lebieh good.

2. Overcoming the dry cough

Dry cough is indeed often make the body uncomfortable because this hard-cured cough and itchy throat causes however there is not anything in the throat. To treat dry cough you could use sour leaves with leaf herb saga. It's easy, you just need to set up some strands of leaf acid and handheld leaf ½ saga. Then boil the leaves both types with 4 glasses of plain water, rebuslah the herb leaves 1 cup only. then once cooked you can filter it and direct drinking warm so that the throat also feels relieved.

3. Resolve rheumatic diseases

If you have rheumatic diseases you could use some strands of leaf acid with some tart seeds and then pounded together. After the collision the herb so you can rub it on the part of the body that hurts because of rheumatism. Do it on a regular basis so that getting the maximum results and so that your rheumatism is also a speedy recovery.

4. Treat a cold or hot

To help lower a fever you can use herb decoction of leaves and fennel pulawaras acid. After the herb so saringlah and then konsumsilah twice a day until the fever down.

5. Treat malaria

Malaria is caused by the bite of the anopheles mosquito, the female sex in the malaria mosquito bites also leave bacteria plasmodium falciparum. In the acid leaves there are anti bacterial content which helps reduce the spread of the bacteria even eliminate so you can be free from malaria. This is very important because malaria can often be the cause of death.

6. Help cure jaundice and diabetes

The leaves have acid compounds that can improve the performance of the functions of the organs of the heart and the organs which become jaundice. The people with diabetes or high levels of sugar in the blood can use to increase the levels of acid leaves the insulin in the body. The acid leaves can also assist the performance of bile in the blood and filter impurities so you will avoid the jaundice.
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7. Treat toothache and sore gums

A disease that appears in the mouth as in the area of the teeth, gums, tongue and other are not only caused by bacteria or dirt in it but also because of your lack of vitamin c. There is acid in leaves of Ascorbic acid content and high in antioxidants which can cure all the problems that exist in the mouth organ. In addition vitamin C is also high and the leaves of sour also contains antiseptic that can help cleanse the oral cavity.

8. Overcoming pain and menstrual cramps

If you are experiencing unbearable pains even feel cramping in the lower abdomen while the coming months you can use potions of acid and fruit acids in leaves are simmered to help the pain and the pain is gone. This is because the acid has analgesic properties of leaves which can help relieve pain, results for y

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