30 November 2015

benefits of basil leaves

Basil is probably already familiar in Indonesia and often found in food stall one of the food stalls pecel lele, turns out to contain a lot of Basil benefits as well as benefits. Perhaps some people already know about the benefits the benefits of basil leaves, but there might be also totally do not know.

benefits the benefits of basil leaves

Basil leaves turned out to contain a number of important compounds, such as: compound anetol, compound 1-8 sineol, arigin substances, substances, flavonoids, boron, stigmasterolnya, eugenol, betakaroten, magnesium, tryptophan, and many more other substances.

The following are the benefits the benefits of Basil

Stimulates the body's immune
It stimulates the activity of the Centre was
It stimulates the secretion of breast milk
It stimulates the secretion of hormones
Prevent bone kropos
Strengthen the dayatahan life seperma
Lower blood sugar
Mencaegah body odor
Dilates the capillaries
Dilates the blood vessels
Strengthen heart
Preventing thickening of blood
Helps smooth muscle relaxation
Preventing infertility
Antihepatitis and are diuetik
Overcome premature ejaculation

The following benefits are benefits of Basil to address some diseases as well as the explanation:

Good for the heart and cleanse the blood
Basil leaves can help cleanse the blood by way of releasing toxins from the body. Basil leaves also can help control blood pressure, the antioxidant content of eugenol in Basil helps reduce cholesterol levels and blood glucose levels, thus reducing the risk of heart disease.

Prevention of acne
Basil leaves can be eaten to prevent acne, because it has the ability to clean up the blood. In addition, Basil also contains anti-bacterial agents and antifungal.

The health of facial skin
Rub dried basil leaves in the face will improve the appearance of a younger and fresher. Apply the crushed basil leaves on the face and neck will improve skin tone bright and fresh.

Treatment of skin infection
Because it has the nature of a anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti biotic, basil leaves can also be used to limit the growth of bacteria cause skin infections.

Immune boost
Many ways to increase the body's immunity to avoid all diseases, one of them with basil leaves. Content of beta carotene acts as the body's antibodies, and mampuh fix broken body cells. As well as useful also for maintaining eye health.

Treat panu
If you have a body part in panu, basil leaves can be used as a solution to eliminate panu. Puree the basil leaves are already washed, then add a little bit of whiting, and then apply it on the affected body part panu.

Treat thrush
If left thrush can reduce your appetite, because each will be eating certainly makes lips feel stung. Thus, use the basil leaves to deal with it, simply by adding basil leaves as vegetables when eating.

Helps bone development
In periods of growth, calcium is very note in order to accelerate growth and strengthen bones. During this time, probably only milk that is often consumed, but the content of potassium and phosphorus on leaf Basil is excellent in bone formation. If it has been stepped on teens and parents, useful to prevent the occurrence of bone is porous.

Overcoming vaginal discharge
The content of the compound eugenol has benefits that address the fungus causes vaginal discharge. Thus for women who experience vaginal discharge does not have to cope with it, pretty confused by consuming dun fresh basil with routine.

Overcoming a stroke
Content of isoflavones in the leaves kemagi, can improve blood vessel function, so it is useful to prevent and overcome stroke

Here's how to cultivate basil leaves to serve as herbal or traditional medicine:

By way of grinding and boiling 200-250 grams of basil leaves and mixed with sesame seed oil can apply on the skin to cure hives.
Blend basil leaves and lemon juice can also be applied topically to the skin to treat ringworm.
All parts of the plant Basil mashed until smooth, and then balurkan on the part of the body that hurts.
Packed fresh basil leaves to eliminate body odor.

That's the benefit of basil leaves as well as the benefits of basil leaves and many more other contents that are useful to the health of the human body.

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