30 November 2015

Efficacy Fruit Salak for health

For Indonesia, the health benefits of fruits for long enough known. Salak is a fruit native to Indonesia that grows easily in our country that this tropical climate. We can also find plant bark and buy fruits everywhere because it is the fruit of this one is very easy to find.Bark exotic flavor, slightly sour, slightly sweet and slightly astringent make people love it. In addition to good taste, fruits proved to have a myriad of benefits for the health of our bodies. High fiber content in fruits can help the body to overcome and cure various diseases.Fruits are highly recommended to be consumed by you are planning to lose weight. One fruit is rich in fiber and fiber is needed by those who are dieting in order to feel full longer.
Salak Fruit Benefits For Body HealthMost bark fiber contained in the skin aria or thin skin on the meat fruits. Therefore, if you want to consume a diet bark, fruits should be eaten without removing the husk.Benefits of fruits for health, among others for eye health. The content of beta-carotene is quite high in fruits can maintain eye health. In addition, the bark can also be used to prevent diarrheal disease.Many people use the bark to treat diarrhea. Nutrient content in a bark include protein, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, phosphorus and calcium. As for vitamins, fruits contain a lot of vitamin C is needed by the body.Fruits are also known to maintain brain health. The content of potassium in fruits is needed by the nervous system to improve brain performance. If the brain can work well, then the other organs of the body will also function well without problems. Fruits are also known to launch bowel and prevent constipation.It may be inversely proportional to what the public believed that eating fruits will actually make us hard bowel movements. It is only a myth that is not true. Because, once again, the epidermis contained in fruits containing high fiber so that it can prevent constipation.Given the magnitude of the health benefits of fruits for we certainly would not hesitate to consume fruits. But keep consumption is not too much. In one day, you should consume fruits as much as 3-5 pieces only.Beyond this amount barking feared it would cause health problems for example digestive problems. Price low bark that we would not necessarily make it difficult to buy it everywhere. Currently, the well-known bark was barking and barking Bali Pondoh of Jogjakarta.

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